admin 發表於 2021-3-22 19:42:53

婚禮現场新郎失踪 宾客自告奋勇娶新娘Guest offers to marry girl after ...

本周一個印度新郎在婚禮上落空踪迹,因而一個来宾挺身而出取代他与新娘成婚。 本周三,23岁的Ponradha原本筹算在泰米尔纳德邦嫁给35岁的Sithiraivelu。而當本周二婚禮已筹备停當的时辰,新娘的家人却获知新郎在与家人打骂后忽然失落。据《印度时报》报导称,“新娘的家人就地就抓狂了,由于若是忽然中断婚禮必将會影响新娘的将来。” 幸亏那时一位30岁男人的呈現才停息了新外家人的肝火。這名男人是新娘的亲戚,名為Sivakumar,他自告奋勇志愿取代新郎授室。    

A 30-year-old man who came to witness a wedding ended up as the b早洩,ridegroom in a kind gesture as the bridegroom-to-be failed to turn up to tie the knot on Wednesday.

Ponradha, 23, daughter of 電動螺絲刀,Palpandi of Lakshmimanagaram near Arumuganeri in Kanyakumari district was betrothed to be married to Sithiraivelu, 35, son of Jayaraman of Lakshmipuram in Kayalpattinam of the same district. The wedding was to be held on Wednesday and arrangements were on in full swing in the bride's hometown.

They had prepared to welcome the bridegroom on Tuesday evening and were awaiting his arrival when they were informed that he had gone missing. Sithiraivelu's family had claimed to the bride's family that Sitharaivelu had a quarrel with them on Monday and walked out of their home. Thoug百家樂必勝技巧,h they had been expecting him to come back as usual, he did not return, they had further said. Hearing this, the bride's family went into a frenzy, as a stopped marriage would affect the girl早洩,'s future.

The news spread around the town of Lakshmimanagaram like a wildfire when Sivakumar, a relative of the bride who had come to take part in the wedding, agreed to marry Ponradha after his relatives persuaded him to do so. The wedding then took place as per the schedule, much to the relief of the family. The other guests who had come there also congratulated and appreciated Sivakumar for his timely gesture.
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